Title: What is BS EN 61439-2 2009 and EN 50662-2010?
Fire safety is a critical concern for both residential and commercial buildings. The objective of fire safety measures is to minimize the risk of fire spread and ensure that in the event of a fire, the building can be quickly and safely evacuated. In achieving this objective, building materials and products must be evaluated for their fire performance. Two important European standards that help achieve this goal are BS EN 61439-2 2009 and EN 50662-2010.
BS EN 61439-2 2009: The BS EN 61439-2 2009 standard is a European standard that specifies the fire performance of construction products and building elements. It provides a classification system for the reaction to fire of materials, products, and assemblies used in buildings. The standard covers various aspects of fire safety, including fire tests, fire spread, fire resistance, and fire smoke development. It also provides guidelines for fire risk assessment, fire safety management, and fire safety training.
EN 50662-2010: EN 50662-2010 is a technical standard that specifies the requirements for the performance, testing, and classification of electronic data interchange systems used in the logistics and transportation industry. This standard was developed by the European Committee for Standardization (CEN) and is widely recognized and implemented across Europe.
Purpose of BS EN 61439-2 2009 and EN 50662-2010:
The main purpose of BS EN 61439-2 2009 and EN 50662-2010 is to ensure uniformity across Europe in assessing the fire performance of building materials and products. These standards provide a comprehensive framework for evaluating the fire safety of building materials and products, allowing for the comparison and evaluation of different materials. They also provide guidelines for fire risk assessment, fire safety management, and fire safety training.
BS EN 13501-1:2009: BS EN 13501-1:2009 is a European standard that specifies the fire performance of construction products and building elements. It provides a classification system for the reaction to fire of materials, products, and assemblies used in buildings. The standard covers various aspects of fire safety, including fire tests, fire spread, fire resistance, and fire smoke development.
EN 50662-2010: EN 50662-2010 is a technical standard that specifies the requirements for the performance, testing, and classification of electronic data interchange systems used in the logistics and transportation industry. This standard was developed by the European Committee for Standardization (CEN) and is widely recognized and implemented across Europe.
BS EN 61439-2 2009 and EN 50662-2010 are two important European standards that help ensure the fire safety of building materials and products. These standards provide a comprehensive framework for evaluating the fire performance of building materials and products and also provide guidelines for fire risk assessment, fire safety management, and fire safety training. By implementing these standards, building owners and developers can minimize the risk of fire and ensure that their buildings are safe and well-maintained.
Contact: Nina She
Phone: +86-13751010017
E-mail: info@iec-equipment.com
Add: 1F Junfeng Building, Gongle, Xixiang, Baoan District, Shenzhen, Guangdong, China