Technical Articles

What is EN ISO 6344-2: 2012 ?

EN ISO 6344-2: 2012 is a highly significant technical standard that is widely used in various industries. It is an international standard that was developed by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) to provide guidance on the evaluation of performance characteristics of industrial machinery. The standard aims to ensure that machinery meets certain safety and quality criteria, promoting the well-being of workers and consumers.

In order to understand the importance of EN ISO 6344-2: 2012, it is essential to know its origin and purpose. The standard was developed to address the growing need for effective communication and documentation in technical fields. Technical writers, engineers, and professionals involved in creating technical documents must follow the guidelines set out by EN ISO 6344-2: 2012 to ensure that their documentation is clear, accurate, and easy to understand.

The EN ISO 6344-2: 2012 standard is divided into several key components. These include the , the purpose of the standard, and the key elements of the standard. The provides background information on the development of the standard and its significance. The purpose of the standard outlines the goals and objectives of the document, while the key elements of the standard define the essential elements that must be included in the document to ensure its effectiveness.

The key components of EN ISO 6344-2: 2012 provide guidelines for the structure and format of technical documents. They include the use of consistent terminology, the use of a clear and concise writing style, and the use of appropriate formatting and layout. By adhering to these guidelines, technical writers can effectively convey complex information to their intended audience, ensuring that their documentation is effective, accurate, and easy to understand.

In conclusion, EN ISO 6344-2: 2012 is an essential technical standard that plays a crucial role in ensuring effective communication and documentation in technical fields. By following the guidelines set out in the standard, technical writers, engineers, and professionals can create clear, accurate, and easy-to-understand technical documents that effectively convey complex information to their intended audience.


Contact: Nina She

Phone: +86-13751010017


Add: 1F Junfeng Building, Gongle, Xixiang, Baoan District, Shenzhen, Guangdong, China

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