Title: What is BS EN 61439-6: 2011 and How Does EN 529: 2010 Help?
BS EN 61439-6: 2011 is an international standard that outlines the procedures for measuring and assessing the noise emissions of wind turbines. This standard is part of the BS EN 61400 series, which is a comprehensive guide to various aspects of wind turbine technology. EN 529: 2010 is another international standard that provides guidelines for technical writing, specifically for user guides, instructions, and other information products. In this article, we will explore the purpose and key features of BS EN 61439-6: 2011 and how EN 529: 2010 can contribute to producing easy-to-understand technical documentation.
Purpose of BS EN 61439-6: 2011:
BS EN 61439-6: 2011 is designed to ensure that wind turbines operate within acceptable noise limits, minimizing potential disturbance to nearby communities and wildlife. The standard provides detailed information on how to measure noise emissions and assess their significance based on location and time of day. By following the guidelines outlined in BS EN 61439-6: 2011, developers and manufacturers can design wind turbine installations in compliance with local noise regulations and ensure sustainable development of wind energy projects.
Key Requirements of BS EN 61400-14: 2011:
BS EN 61400-14: 2011 lays down a set of criteria and procedures for determining noise levels and evaluating their potential environmental impact. The primary objective of this standard is to ensure that wind turbines operate within acceptable noise limits, minimizing potential disturbance to nearby communities and wildlife.
to EN 529: 2010:
EN 529: 2010 is an international standard that provides guidelines for technical writing, specifically for user guides, instructions, and other information products. The purpose of this standard is to help authors communicate complex technical information effectively, making it easily understandable for users.
Key Features of EN 529: 2010:
EN 529: 2010 provides several key features that make it an essential standard for technical writing. These features include:
* It is an international standard that provides guidelines for technical writing across various industries and sectors.
* It focuses on making technical information easy to understand for users.
* It provides guidelines for creating clear and concise technical documentation.
* It emphasizes the importance of documenting the user interface and user experience.
* It encourages authors to provide comprehensive and user-friendly documentation.
BS EN 61439-6: 2011 and EN 529: 2010 are both essential standards for ensuring the quality and compatibility of products. BS EN 61439-6: 2011 focuses on the measurement and assessment of noise emissions from wind turbines, while EN 529: 2010 provides guidelines for technical writing. By following the guidelines outlined in these standards, developers and manufacturers can design wind turbine installations in compliance with local noise regulations and ensure sustainable development of wind energy projects.
Contact: Nina She
Phone: +86-13751010017
E-mail: info@iec-equipment.com
Add: 1F Junfeng Building, Gongle, Xixiang, Baoan District, Shenzhen, Guangdong, China