Technical Articles

What is ISO 30138: 2013 ?

Title: A Technical Overview of ISO 30138: 2013 and ISO 30142: 2013

In today's digital age, the need for standardization and regulation is more crucial than ever. With the rapid advancements in technology, organizations and individuals involved in incident response must ensure the preservation, collection, examination, and analysis of digital evidence within a legal framework. This is where ISO 30138: 2013 and ISO 30142: 2013 come into play. In this article, we will provide a technical overview of these two important standards and their purpose, scope, and key features.

ISO 30138: 2013 - The Purpose of ISO 30138: 2013:

ISO 30138: 2013, formally known as "Information technology - Guidelines for the management of incidents involving evidence, " is a technical standard that provides guidelines and best practices for managing digital incidents. The standard is designed to ensure the preservation, collection, examination, and analysis of digital evidence within a legal framework.

ISO 30138: 2013 serves as a vital resource for organizations and individuals involved in incident response. It provides guidelines for the entire incident management process, from identifying and documenting incidents to preserving and analyzing digital evidence. The standard also emphasizes the importance of maintaining a clear chain of custody and ensuring that digital evidence is admissible as evidence in court.

ISO 30142: 2013 - The Purpose of ISO 30142: 2013:

ISO 30142: 2013 is a professional technical standard that provides guidelines for documenting research papers, particularly in the fields of science and engineering. The standard was developed by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) to ensure clear and consistent documentation of technical information.

ISO 30142: 2013 aims to establish criteria for writing research papers, reports, and articles in a standardized manner. By following these guidelines, authors can effectively communicate their research findings to the intended audience. The standard provides guidelines for documenting research papers, including formatting, citations, and references. It also emphasizes the importance of documenting the research process, including the sources and methods used in the research.

ISO 30138: 2013 and ISO 30142: 2013 - The Scope of ISO 30138: 2013 and ISO 30142: 2013:

ISO 30138: 2013 and ISO 30142: 2013 have different scopes. ISO 30138: 2013 is focused on incident management and digital evidence preservation, while ISO 30142: 2013 is focused on documenting research papers and reports.

ISO 30138: 2013 is intended for organizations and individuals involved in incident response, including incident analysts, digital evidence examiners, and legal advisors. It provides guidelines for the entire incident management process, from identifying and documenting incidents to preserving and analyzing digital evidence. The standard emphasizes the importance of maintaining a clear chain of custody and ensuring that digital evidence is admissible as evidence in court.

ISO 30142: 2013 is intended for researchers, documentation experts, and others involved in the production of scientific and technical reports. It provides guidelines for documenting research papers, reports, and articles in a standardized manner. The standard emphasizes the importance of documenting the research process, including the sources and methods used in the research.


In conclusion, ISO 30138: 2013 and ISO 30142: 2013 are two important standards that have gained prominence in the world of technology. ISO 30138: 2013 is focused on incident management and digital evidence preservation, while ISO 30142: 2013 is focused on documenting research papers and reports. Both standards provide guidelines and best practices for managing digital incidents and documenting research papers, reports, and articles in a standardized manner. By following these guidelines, organizations and individuals involved in incident response can ensure the preservation, collection, examination, and analysis of digital evidence within a legal framework.


Contact: Nina She

Phone: +86-13751010017


Add: 1F Junfeng Building, Gongle, Xixiang, Baoan District, Shenzhen, Guangdong, China

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