Technical Articles

What is EN ISO 27335:2011

The EN ISO 27335:2011 is an international standard that provides guidelines and specifications for technical writing. It aims to ensure clarity, accuracy, and simplicity in the presentation of technical information. This article will delve into the key aspects of this standard and explore its importance in various industries.

Scope and Purpose

The main purpose of EN ISO 27335:2011 is to establish a set of principles for creating technical documents that are easily understandable by their intended audience. These principles apply to a wide range of technical writing, including user manuals, instruction guides, maintenance procedures, and other documentation used in industries such as engineering, manufacturing, and technology sectors.

The standard lays out specific guidelines for organizing content, choosing appropriate language and terminology, and structuring documents in a logical and user-friendly manner. By adhering to these guidelines, technical writers can effectively communicate complex information, reduce errors, improve usability, and enhance overall user experience.

Key Elements

EN ISO 27335:2011 encompasses several critical elements that contribute to the quality and effectiveness of technical writing. These elements include:

Clarity and Simplicity: Technical documents should be written in a clear and concise manner, avoiding unnecessary jargon or complex language. Information should be organized logically, allowing users to find and understand what they need quickly.

Consistency: Consistent use of terminology, symbols, and formatting helps to eliminate confusion and ensures that readers can easily follow the instructions or information provided.

Usability: The document should be designed with the end-user in mind, considering their level of technical expertise and any potential barriers they may face. Visual aids, such as illustrations and diagrams, can enhance understanding and accessibility.

Accuracy: Technical writing must be precise and reliable. It should provide accurate information without any ambiguity or misleading details. This is particularly important for documents that involve safety-critical procedures or equipment.

Benefits and Implementation

Adhering to EN ISO 27335:2011 brings several benefits to both businesses and end-users. Companies can enjoy reduced costs due to fewer user errors and support inquiries. Clear and well-structured documentation also enhances the brand reputation and customer satisfaction.

Implementing the standard requires a systematic approach to technical writing. Organizations need to train their writers, establish style guides, and create templates that comply with the guidelines. Regular reviews and updates are necessary to ensure ongoing adherence to the standard and to incorporate any changes in technology or industry best practices.

In conclusion, EN ISO 27335:2011 provides invaluable guidance for creating effective technical documentation. By following these guidelines, organizations can improve communication, minimize errors, enhance user experience, and ultimately contribute to their overall success.


Contact: Nina She

Phone: +86-13751010017


Add: 1F Junfeng Building, Gongle, Xixiang, Baoan District, Shenzhen, Guangdong, China

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