Technical Articles

What is ISO 21584: 2019 ?

ISO 21584: 2019 and ISO 21582: 2019 are both widely recognized international standards that provide guidelines and requirements for various industries. However, they serve different purposes and cater to different needs.ISO 21584: 2019 is an international standard that defines a common framework for measuring and assessing the performance of cities in their journey towards becoming smart cities. It provides a comprehensive approach to evaluating the smart city indicators, metrics, and indexes that can be used for decision-making and monitoring progress.ISO 21584: 2019 aims to promote the use of reliable and consistent data for decision-making, foster transparency and accountability, and contribute to sustainable urban development worldwide.

On the other hand, ISO 21582: 2019 is an international standard that provides guidelines for writing technical documents. It helps ensure consistency, clarity, and accuracy in technical communication, making it easier for users to comprehend and use the information in their documents.ISO 21582: 2019 aims to promote clear and unambiguous communication in technical writing, establish principles and rules for organizing and presenting information in technical documents, and cover various aspects of technical communication, including document structure, language usage, visual elements, and citation guidelines.

In conclusion, while ISO 21584: 2019 focuses on the evaluation of smart city strategies and metrics, ISO 21582: 2019 is more concerned with the effective communication of technical information. Both standards are important guidelines that can help improve the quality of technical documentation, making it easier for people to understand and use the information they need.


Contact: Nina She

Phone: +86-13751010017


Add: 1F Junfeng Building, Gongle, Xixiang, Baoan District, Shenzhen, Guangdong, China

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