Technical Articles

What is ISO-TR 23090-3:2017?

ISO-TR 23090-3:2017 is a technical report published by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO). This report provides guidelines and recommendations for writing thorough technical articles. It focuses on various aspects such as content structure, language usage, and citation methods. In this article, we will explore the key points covered in ISO-TR 23090-3:2017 and discuss how it can enhance the quality and clarity of technical writing.

Content Structure

One of the crucial elements emphasized in ISO-TR 23090-3:2017 is the proper structuring of technical articles. A well-organized article not only helps readers understand the information more easily but also enhances the overall readability. According to the report, a typical technical article should consist of several sections, including an introduction, methodology, results, discussion, and conclusion. Each section should have a clear objective and be presented in a logical flow. Additionally, subheadings and bullet points can be used effectively to break down complex concepts and improve comprehension.

Language Usage

ISO-TR 23090-3:2017 also addresses the importance of language usage. To ensure clarity and accuracy, it advises writers to use concise and precise language while avoiding unnecessary jargon or complex terminology. The report suggests straightforward sentence structures and active voice, which can make the text more engaging and comprehensible. Furthermore, it highlights the significance of maintaining consistency in terms of tense, style, and vocabulary throughout the article.

Citations and References

Accurate citations and references are vital to provide credibility and enable readers to further explore the referenced sources. ISO-TR 23090-3:2017 recommends using a standardized referencing system, such as APA or IEEE, and providing complete information of the source, including author(s), publication title, date, and relevant page numbers. It emphasizes the importance of acknowledging the original authors' contributions and avoiding plagiarism. Clear and consistent citation methods not only enhance the reliability of the article but also facilitate further research and reference.


Contact: Nina She

Phone: +86-13751010017


Add: 1F Junfeng Building, Gongle, Xixiang, Baoan District, Shenzhen, Guangdong, China

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