Technical Articles

What is EN ISO 12708:2014?

EN ISO 12708:2014 is a technical standard that provides guidelines and requirements for writing easy-to-understand technical articles. This standard aims to improve the clarity, coherence, and usability of technical content by establishing best practices for communication.

The Importance of Easy-to-Understand Technical Articles

In today's world, where technical information is abundant, it is crucial to ensure that this information is easily accessible to all. Easy-to-understand technical articles break down complex concepts into simple terms, making it easier for readers to comprehend and apply the information. By following EN ISO 12708:2014, writers can create technical articles that are user-friendly and cater to a wider audience.

Key Elements of EN ISO 12708:2014

EN ISO 12708:2014 emphasizes several key elements that contribute to the readability and comprehensibility of technical articles. These include:

Organized Structure: Technical articles should have a clear and logical structure, with headings and subheadings that guide the reader through the content.

Plain Language: Using concise and straightforward language reduces ambiguity and helps readers grasp the information more effectively.

Visual Aids: Incorporating visual aids, such as diagrams, charts, and illustrations, enhances understanding and aids in conveying complex ideas.

Consistent Terminology: Using consistent terminology throughout the article ensures clarity and avoids confusion.

Active Voice: Writing in the active voice improves readability and makes the content more engaging.

Benefits of Implementing EN ISO 12708:2014

By adhering to the guidelines set forth in EN ISO 12708:2014, both writers and readers can benefit. Writers can create technical articles that are accessible, concise, and user-friendly, enhancing the overall quality of their work. Readers, on the other hand, can easily navigate through the content, understand complex concepts, and apply the knowledge gained.

The implementation of this standard also leads to improved professionalism and credibility in various industries, as it ensures clear communication and enhances the reputation of the organizations delivering such content.

In conclusion, EN ISO 12708:2014 serves as a valuable resource for improving the readability and comprehensibility of technical articles. By following its guidelines, writers can effectively communicate complex information while ensuring that their content remains accessible and useful to a wide range of readers. Through the implementation of best practices, technical writing can become more effective, enhancing knowledge sharing and fostering better understanding among audiences.


Contact: Nina She

Phone: +86-13751010017


Add: 1F Junfeng Building, Gongle, Xixiang, Baoan District, Shenzhen, Guangdong, China

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